Fruit of more than ten years of research and graphic work on the Tarot of Marseilles, this edition presents an exclusive restitution of 22 major Arcana, heart of the Tarot of Marseille, based on the historical Tarot decks of reference and on the rediscovery, fundamental, of the sacred geometry of the Tarot, the knowledge of which having sunk into oblivion towards the end of the 18 th century. These studies and these essential rediscoveries allowed the author to realize in Marseille, the oldest city of France which used to be one of the greatest centers of production of Tarots in Europe, this regeneration restoring, as precisely as possible, the cards such as they were before undergoing during the last three centuries some always more important degradations, whether it is at the level of the composition, precision of the lines and restitution of the details, that of colors and centring, to the very sense of the orientation of the icons. This edition includes a 44-page booklet, in French and English, which explains the structure and the philosophy of this initiatory game. It also presents the essential historic points, as well as the elementary bases of reading and practice of this extraordinary instrument of knowledge of oneself, the world and the Universe which constitutes the Tarot of Marseilles.
Published at FJP and distributed by DG Diffusion in French-speaking Europe, as well as by C.A.R.D. and distributed by Distribution SMW in Quebec and Canada.
Available on sale in the Online shop .